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6 Marketing Book

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6 Marketing Books Every Marketer Should Read in 2022

  1. Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses Are Turning Marketing Cost Into Profit, byJoe Pulizziand Robert Rose

Book1Two of the foremost voices in content marketing, Pulizzi and Rose have another hit with the follow-up to their 2011 classic, Managing Content Marketing. Playing off the perception that marketing is primarily a cost center, the authors suggest sending this discipline out to pasture — at least the less strategic, less insight-driven, less innovative version they now see — and restructuring it. “What if we completely flipped the idea of the marketing function on its head?” Pulizzi and Rose propose doing so by recognizing media and monetization trends, then turning the department into a clear-cut profit center.

  1. Robert also recommends: The End of Competitive Advantage: How to Keep Your Strategy Moving as Fast as Your Business, by Rita Gunther McGrath


  1. The Social Organism: A Radical Understanding of Social Media to Transform Your Business and Life, by Oliver Luckett and Michael J. Casey

Book3Drawing from deep backgrounds in the field of technology, Luckett and Casey offer a scientific look at the world of social media and explain how these networks mimic the rules and functions of biological life. There is actually a chapter called “Cracking the Memetic Code,” which analyzes how viral ideas germinate and spread through social media. By better understanding the deeply interconnected nature of social media, and what it tells us about the human condition, marketers can formulate plans more intelligently.


  1. Michael recommends: Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant, by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne

Book4The philosophy behind this book compelling, as it aligned with my view that businesses will grow in the decentralized, network-driven economics of the digital era through collaborative expansion rather than zero-sum approaches to market share.


  1. The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! 2.0, by Stoney DeGeyter

Book5Want to organize your marketing efforts and ensure you’re leaving no stone unturned? deGeyter has updated his acclaimed handbook from 2014 to ensure it remains a comprehensive resource for today. This collection of checklists spans every facet of digital marketing and helps you avoid missed steps that could hurt down the line. Great for the self-sufficient, jack-of-all-trades marketer. In the 2.0 version, you’ll find traditional staples as well as new additions such as video and PDF optimization.

  1. Top of Mind: Use Content to Unleash Your Influence and Engage Those Who Matter To You, by John Hall

Book6So many of our judgments and decisions, from the strategic to the mundane, come down to the information we can call to our conscious minds in an instant,” argues Hall in the introduction to his book. “By ensuring that you are top of mind among the people in your networks making those important decisions, you position yourself for success.” Top of Mind explores the latter imperative deeply. You’ll learn how customers have changed, what you can do to build trust, and why transparency, likability, and consistency are cornerstones for sticking in people’s brains.

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