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ACI invents two varieties of wheat suitable for bakery

ACI invents two varieties of wheat suitable for bakery
Walton and Herlan Ads_2025

ACI invents two varieties of wheat suitable for bakery

Advanced Chemical Industries (ACI) has invented two varieties of wheat that would be perfect for any bakery. The two types, named ACI Gom1 and ACI Gom2, were revealed at the 108th National Seed Board meeting under the leadership of Sayedul Islam, who is the President of the National Seed Board as well as the Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture. This information was announced in a press release that was read in the conference room of the Ministry of Agriculture.

ACI invents two varieties of wheat suitable for bakery

The ACI Gom1 wheat variety has all the properties of high-yielding wheat. Its panicle is taller in size, with a height range of 100 to 105 cm and an average of 6-7 tillers per plant.

Its leaves are wide and deep green in colour. The average count of grain per panicle is 51. The grain of this variety is amber, glossy and large in size.

The weight per thousand filled grains is 66 grams. The yield test of the Seed Certification Agency shows that the proposed variety has a 10% higher production in comparison with Bari Gom33.

The average production per hectare of this variety is 4.19 tons, but with proper management and an appropriate environment, this number can increase up to 6.36.

ACI Gom2 also has all the properties of high-yielding wheat. Its panicle is taller, measuring 95 to 100 cm. Each plant has 6-7 tillers.

Its leaves are wide and deep green in colour. The average height of its panicle is 13.2 cm. The average count of grains per panicle is 55.

The grain of this variety is a beautiful amber color, glossy, and large in size. It weighs 64 grams per thousand filled grains. The proposed variety’s yield test in ten areas showed a 10% higher production in comparison with Bari Gom33.

The average production per hectare of this variety is 4.30 tons, but it has the potential to increase up to 5.48 tons with proper management and an appropriate growing environment.

Although the average production of wheat in Bangladesh is 3.09 metric tons per hectare, we need to import 6.01 million metric tons of wheat annually to fulfil our needs – a large quantity of which is used in bakeries.

Adopting ACI Gom1 and ACI Gom2 varieties of wheat, which are suitable for bakery food production, would be beneficial for farmers as they would be able to command a better price for their wheat. Additionally, it would reduce Bangladesh’s dependency on foreign imports.

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