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‘Bakeman’s Second International Language League’ started at North South University

'Beckman's Second International Language League' started at North South University
Walton and Herlan Ads_2025

Keeping the theme of ‘Language achievement’ in front of the main theme, the ‘Bakeman’s Second International Language League’ is going to be started under the sponsorship of the biscuit brand Bakeman’s of Akij Bakers Limited organized by the Department of English and Modern Languages of North South University. Recently the Language League was inaugurated through a press conference at the Syndicate Hall of the University.

Language League is the biggest language Olympiad in Bangladesh. More than 50,000 students across the country will participate in it and it will be open to school, college and university students. Students’ skills in five languages including Bengali, English, Chinese, French, German will be tested in this competition which will be divided into four categories based on age limit. These international level students can participate in this competition online and this competition will be held at selected 32 venues in Bangladesh. The winners of the divisional qualifiers will then qualify for the semi-finals and finals, which will be held at North South University.

Sheikh Jamil Uddin, director of Akij Bakers Ltd, said, “We have given life to language. In recognition of which our Martyr’s Day is celebrated as International Mother Language Day all over the world. So, taking such an initiative with more than one language in our country is undoubtedly a very happy thing. As we as a nation give importance to the practice of our own mother tongue, at the same time we try to get the best from different languages and cultures around the world in this era of globalization. We will see the reflection of that in the Language League”.

Also, about Language League, Chief Marketing Officer of Akij Bakers Limited, Md. Shafiqul Islam Tushar said, “Initiatives like International Language League will increase knowledge-based, cultural etc. communication of Bangladesh with the whole world. We are delighted to have Bakeman’s associated with such an event”.

Prof. Dr. Ismail Hossain, Pro-Vice Chancellor of North South University was also present on the occasion. He said, “North South University is proud to host Bakeman’s Second International Language League, a language competition on the golden jubilee of Bangladesh’s victory. We are taking a step forward in language practice”.

Dean of School of Humanities and Social Sciences Professor Dr. Abdur Rob was also present. He said, “During the golden jubilee month of Bangladesh, Department of English and Modern Languages of North South University has organized ‘Bakeman’s Second International Language League 2021’ with a great initiative to check language skills. We applaud those who are supporting the journey of Language League, hope that this journey of Language League will be more successful with the help of them.

Also present were the Chairman of the Department of English and Modern Languages, Dr. AKM Rahman Bhuiyan and Senior Lecturer Mehdi Hasan, along with the officials of Akij Bakers Limited.

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