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Bangladesh looking into setting up fertiliser plant in Saudi Arabia

Under the deal, the Saudi company will conduct the study by 2024 using their own funding and the corporation will provide necessary data. The signing took place at the ministry in Dhaka with the industries minister attending as chief guest, according to a ministry press statement.
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Bangladesh is looking into the possibility of establishing a di-ammonium phosphate fertiliser production plant in Saudi Arabia.

In Bangladesh the annual demand for the fertiliser is 16 lakh tonnes, of which 1 tonne is manufactured by a state-run factory in Chattogram and the rest imported, said Industries Minister Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun.

There is a lack of natural gas, rock phosphate and phosphoric acid in Bangladesh, for which it would be logical to set up a factory in Saudi Arabia, he said in a press statement of the ministry.

The statement informed of Hanwha Saudi Contracting Company and Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation under the industries ministry signing a memorandum of understanding today to conduct a feasibility study on the factory’s establishment in Saudi Arabia.

Under the deal, the Saudi company will conduct the study by 2024 using their own funding and the corporation will provide necessary data.

The signing took place at the ministry in Dhaka with the industries minister attending as chief guest, according to a ministry press statement.


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