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‘Bangladesh’s sustainable printing factories deserve fair return’

Bangladesh’s sustainable printing factories deserve fair return
Walton and Herlan Ads_2025

TexTIMe(Textile Today Innovation Meets) seminar strategic discussion titled ‘Sustainability in Printing and Its Trends’ highlights that Bangladesh deserves fair return, in terms of apparel prices.

On 11 February, Textile Today Innovation Hub’s 22nd episode strategic-level seminar TexTIMe (Textile Today Innovation Meets) took place on Masco Picasso Ltd. premise – a concern of Masco Group in Gazipur, according to a press release.

Where the country’s printing, textile and apparel leaders and representatives from brands/retailers unanimously agreed that Bangladesh’s garment printing industry has reached the pinnacle of sustainability and various innovations – Masco Picasso is a leading testament to that.

Though Bangladesh’s printing factories are fulfilling all the international sustainable parameters – including ZDHC aspiration level, they are not getting a fair return.

Despite all these efforts, Masco Picasso like other factories in the country’s textile and apparel value chain is not getting the right price too.

ATM Mahbubul Alam Milton, executive director of Masco Group said: “Masco Picassoensures sustainability from a broader perspective. Including all the parameters of sustainability like greenhouse gas emission, energy, chemical, waste and water management, social responsibility and economic growth–everything is attended here.”

“Overall, we have maintained all the pillars of sustainability and innovation processes. But at the end of the day, if it is not profitable then it will not be a sustainable approach. But sadly, we including other entrepreneurs in the sector are not getting the proper return. We are getting 30% to 40% below the average price of what our competitor countries are getting.”

“Most worryingly, unethical competition has made the worst scenario graver. This is killing the business. We might not see any immediate effect from this wrong practice – but in 2-3 years’ time, we see that a lot of factories are eventually getting sick.”

“This is high time, that our top-notch work is recognized by global fashion buyers. And most essentially, give us the right price for the world-class printing value-addition.”

Regarding how Masco made one of the most iconoclast factories, ATM Mahbubul Alam Milton said: “We started from a very small. But Masco’sleadership, unique techniques and value addition were the way forward strategy. The goal was to make the biggest and most sustainable printing factory in Bangladesh.”

“We understand that to implement holistic sustainability in any organization – it should come from the top. Thus we have initiated a starring committee to ensure sustainability. This is how we have proudly achieved the position of the world’s biggest printing factory with 4.5 lakh pieces per day capacity.”

How Bangladesh is going forward in terms of value addition through using printing technologies Hafizur Rahman Nixon, executive director of RH Corporation said: “Printing side exhibition is a core part of innovation. And rightly pointed out by the leaders that Bangladesh has come far from being a cheap apparel-sourcing country. Yes, we cannot rule on buyers. Rather, we have to focus on our side and have to cherish sustainability and process innovation. Challenging times are coming ahead of us. We have to move forward for solving these problems.”

“Garment printing is a fast-moving sector. For instance, recently I have visited some of the printing facilities in Spain and Germany and I have not seen any traditional printing factories in Europe. Due to various challenges like manpower shortage and high energy prices – European countries are moving rapidly towards digital printing. Yes, AOP, pigment, or placement printing is there but on a very small scale. Most importantly, garments manufacturing started to come back to Europe like before.”

“So, the question is, how can we compete against them? To compete, Bangladesh’sprinting industry must transform itself like Masco Picasso and make high-value printing techniques.”

“In addition, getting a fair apparel price is not possible for an individual. Rather it needs a voice raised from the whole textile and apparel value chain. Also, we need to stop the unethical undercutting among us. Only then, our top-notch sustainability efforts like Masco Group will pay off.”

Md Ferdaush Imtiaz, Technical head-fabric, Peoticgem Int’l Ltd. said, “Foreign buyers whenever they visit any Bangladeshi garment highly praise the sustainable initiatives. But whenever we offer various sets of prices based on factory category – they tend to choose the factory with a lower value.”

“On top of that, at present, the global economic situation is not well-off. Creating a hindrance in demanding more return. As less disposable money is reducing the buying capacity of consumers. As a result, buyers are willing to spend less money.”

In terms of the country’s prowess in the garment printing sector, Ferdaush Imtiaz said: “Bangladesh’sgarment printing sector is now well capable and can cater to any type of value-added printing requirements. As a technologist and brand representative, when other brands are collaborating with us they are astonished by our progress.”

Remaining sustainable and becoming a leader in the global printing segment will require strategic decisions from both industry and policy as the global textile value-chain is observing uncertainties in raw material price, energy crisis, production cost, shipment cost, etc. also, environmental disasters and adverse weather are making the supply industry uncertain.

In the TexTIMe seminar’s first phase, printing sector leaders gave presentations on various essential aspects.

SK Mamun Ferdoush, general manager of Marketing and Merchandising, Masco Group delivered a presentation on ‘Sustainable Printing Trends- Piece Printing’.

In terms of advantages of Piece Printing’, Mamun Ferdoush said, “In Piece Printing’, it uses less water, reduces waste and environmental impact. On top of that, this method uses environmentally friendly dye and pigment. Water-based ink instead of solvent inks.

It ensures human safety, recycling, proper use of resources, renewable energy, and pollution reduction and so on.”

Md Ashraful Alam, director (Printing), Mosharaf Group, in his presentation on ‘Sustainable Printing Technologies’. While Mahammad Shafiqul Islam, head of Sales & Technical, RH Corporation delivered his presentation on ‘Sustainable Printing Trends- AOP’.

Tareq Amin, founder and CEO of Textile Today moderated the session.

Tareq Amin in his introductory address said: “To discuss the sectors sustainability, trends and challenges – undoubtedly Masco Picasso is the best place. Globally, it is common knowledge that printing is a high-pollutant industry. Especially for hazardous chemical use, in operation and in waste. Whereas, the globally largest printing factory, Masco Picasso changed the concept of sustainability and various innovations in operational processes. It is a leading role model factory in many sustainability aspects.”

At the TexTIMe seminar, the leaders also expressed that garment printing is the most evolving and innovative segment in the global fashion industry. As the leading apparel manufacturing hub – Bangladesh has been playing a vital role in the garment printing industry.

To acknowledge the sector’s sustainability, trends and challenges – three hour-long TexTIMe seminar discussion brought a 360° reality and ways to progress.

The knowledge seminar was graced by hundreds of Bangladesh printing and textile leaders and they heard the leaders’ valuable discussion on printing sustainability and its trends.

TexTIMe is a regular seminar event of Textile Today Innovation Hub – engaging industry leaders and strategy makers to find out the pathways to tackle critical challenges and future prospects to sustain and grow.

This time TexTIMe seminar was powered by RH Corporation, a sister concern of Aziz Group, a leading innovative and sustainable Chemical and Dyes, Machines and Auxiliaries, Service and Spare solutions company for the textile industry.

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