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Bata Partnership with SOS Children’s Villages International

Bata Partnership with SOS Childrens Villages International
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A big shoe company from around the world, Bata, is doing something important to help kids who don’t have parents. Partnering with SOS Children’s Villages International through the Bata Children’s Program (BCP), Bata aims to create a brighter tomorrow for these young souls.

Bata Partnership with SOS Children's Villages International

Your contribution can be a beacon of hope for these children. Whether you visit a Bata retail store and scan the QR code or click the online donation link at https://donate.sos-bangladesh.org/bata-x-sos-v2-media/, every bit counts.

Read more: Unilever and Bopinc collaborated to Revolutionize Consumer Experience with Refill Machines

With a future full of love, care, and hope, these children’s lives are to be changed by there relationship.

Let’s band together for this worthwhile cause and be the ones to change these kids’ lives. With the help of Bata, let’s make sure that these kids have a better tomorrow. Let’s work together and start building a brighter future for them today by joining hands and taking the first step.

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