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BIPPA gets new president

BIPPA gets new president
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BIPPA gets new president

Faisal Khan, director of Summit Group, has recently been elected as the new president of the Bangladesh Independent Power Producers Association (BIPPA) for the next two years.

Faisal Khan is a founding member of Bangladesh Energy Society and also a member of the executive committee for Bangladesh Association of Publicly Listed Companies, as stated in a press release.

The other newly elected directors include Md Abdur Razzaque Ruhani (vice-president finance), Khalid Islam (vice-president), Md Mozammel Hossain (vice-president), Monzur Kadir Shafi, S M Noor Uddin, Salman Obaidul Karim, Gulam Rabbani Chowdhury, Md Rubayet Tanvir, Salman Karim and Mabroor Hossain.



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