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BSTI to certify facewash, aerosol

BSTI to certify facewash, aerosol
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The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) has brought 10 more products under the mandatory certification list, including facewash, aerosol, and petroleum jelly.

The decision was taken on Sunday at the 37th council meeting of BSTI.

Other products included in the list are bread (flatbread/tortilla), disposable diapers, geysers, shaving foam/gel, eye care, hair dye liquid and shoe polishing liquid.

At present, 229 products are under the mandatory certification list.

Industries Minister and BSTI Council Chairman Nurul Majid Mahmud Humayun said that BSTI needs to play a more proactive and vital role in quality control of commodities along with the production of standard goods for the local market and exports, especially the Halal items.

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