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Daraz & Mastercard launch Save, Spend & Win Campaign 2023

Daraz & Mastercard launch 'Save, Spend & Win' Campaign 2023
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Daraz & Mastercard launch Save, Spend & Win Campaign 2023

Daraz Bangladesh, in collaboration with Mastercard, has announced the launch of the ‘Save, Spend & Win’ Campaign 2023. The campaign is designed to promote cashless transactions by encouraging digital payments on Daraz during the shopping season. The campaign starts on January 06, 2023 and will continue till February 15, 2023.

Daraz & Mastercard launch 'Save, Spend & Win' Campaign 2023

During the campaign period, any cardholder with a Mastercard-branded Debit, Credit, or Prepaid Card issued by any Bangladeshi bank will have to make at least five (5) transactions with a minimum amount of BDT 1000 each time. The top 13 cardholders with the highest spending will be rewarded with international or local couple travel vouchers and smartphones.

The first, second, and third prize winners in this campaign will receive exclusive travel vouchers to Dubai, Bangkok, and Cox’s Bazar, respectively. Each of these 3-day/2-night travel vouchers includes accommodation and airfare for two people. The remaining ten winners will each receive ten branded smartphones.

However, only retail transactions are eligible for this campaign, and the thirteen winners will be selected based on the highest spending volumes. Transactions for commercial purchases are not eligible for the campaign.

To participate in the campaign, Mastercard Debit, Credit, or Prepaid Cardholders are required to save their Mastercard on Daraz and make the payment using their Mastercard while shopping on the Daraz Mobile App and Website.

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