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DCCI to focus on CMSME, skills development in 2023

DCCI to focus on CMSME, skills development in 2023
Walton and Herlan Ads

DCCI to focus on CMSME, skills development in 2023

In 2023, the Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) plans to focus on playing a strong policy advocacy role in areas such as promoting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (CMSMEs), developing skills among workers, diversifying exports, encouraging private investment and foreign direct investment (FDI), improving tax management, supporting the graduation of Bangladesh from the least developed country (LDC) status, engaging in economic diplomacy, and building a smart Bangladesh through improved infrastructure.

This was announced by DCCI President Barrister Md. Sameer Sattar during a press conference on Saturday.

DCCI to focus on CMSME, skills development in 2023

The DCCI president acknowledged the impact of the global economic crisis and energy shortage on rising energy prices. He also emphasized the importance of fair adjustments in the domestic market, stating that “when the prices of energy come down in the international market, then it should be adjusted in our country as well without any delay.

“He also acknowledged that as Bangladesh is part of the global economy, fluctuations in the international market will affect the country’s economy.

In 2023, both employers and employees will be content if they can maintain their current workforce and keep the company running. However, with two million new graduates entering the job market annually, it can be challenging to provide employment opportunities for them all, according to Barrister Sattar. He also noted that while some may secure jobs, a significant number may choose to pursue entrepreneurship as an alternative.

He urged the Bangladesh Bank to take into account LC margins, particularly during the upcoming Ramadan period for essential goods, so that importers can bring in the necessary items and maintain a steady supply.

He acknowledged that there is no quick fix for the foreign exchange reserve issue and emphasized the need to increase remittance inflows from abroad and boost export earnings to improve the reserve.

The Senior Vice President of DCCI, S M Golam Faruk Alamgir, Vice President Md. Junaid Ibna Ali, and other members of the Board of Directors were also present at the event.

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