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Free PDF Brand Marketing books and publications

Understanding Marketing Branding
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Free PDF Brand Marketing books and publications

  1. CONCEPTS_OF_BRAND_MANAGEMENT—Rai Technology University

    Branding Concepts
    Introduction to Brand; Brand and Branding Basics; Relationship of Brands with Customers; Building Successful Brands.

Terms associated with Brands: Understanding Various Terms; Brand Names and Brand Extensions; Co-Banding and Corporate Branding; Brand Associations and Brand Image.

Management of Brand: Brand Loyalty; Brand Relationship; Brand Equity; Brand Management
Brand Processing: Brand Evolution; Value of Brand; Brand Planning and Brand Potential.
Brand Selection: Brand and Consumer Buying Process; Consumer Search for Brand Information; Issues associated with

Effective Brand Name; Added Values Beyond Functionalism; Brand Personality; Branding to make Tangible the Intangible..


Brand Books

  1. BRAND STRATEGY- © The Chartered Institute of Marketing

Defining brands, Types of brands, How brands work, Brand strategy, Managing and revitalising brands, Brand portfolio and architecture, Measuring brands and their performance

BRAND STRATEGY-  Download Link: http://www.hajarian.com/esterategic/tarjomeh/87/brand%20strategy.pdf

  1. The Four Basic Elements of Brand Strategy- THIS MONTH’S FEATURE
    Download Link: https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/455845/Insights/03.17_March%20Issue%20v1.1.pdf?t=1490568813060
  2. Understanding Marketing & Branding- Kat Merrick TotallyLocalVC.com
    Branding is Strategic Marketing is Tactical
  3. Brand Strategy: Company X- Anastasia Kaira

Background of the study, Objectives and delimitations, Research questions,  The sociocultural meaning of brands,  What is a brand?, Types of brands, Influence of factors on brand choice, Consumer behavior, Emotional brand associations, Advertising and symbolic meaning of the brand, Brands, trust and fragmentation, Brand equity and brand building, Defining brand equity, Brand mix, Brands through marketing communication, Brand Strategy, Brand strategy definition and its importance, Elements of brand strategy, Strategies and brand portfolio Unique brand strategy, Corporate brand strategy, Line extension strategy, Blend brand strategy, Brand portfolio strategy, Case company, Company background and its success, Research methods,  Equity and innovations of Company X, Brand flexibility and competitiveness, Hotel portfolio, Brands, Strengths for developing and main development objectives, Sales team, Sustainability policy, Consumers’ choice, Tools of Company X, Customer segmentation and geographical exposure, Company X distribution model and systems, Company X in social media

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