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Guardian Life has achieved Lead Platinum Certificate

Guardian Life has achieved Lead Platinum Certificate
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Guardian Life has achieved Lead Platinum Certificate

With a commitment to creating a healthy and happy work environment and ensuring institutional sustainable development, Guardian Life has been working towards developing a world-class eco-friendly and green office space. As a result of this hard work United States Green Building Council ‘USGBC’ awarded Guardian Life’s Gulshan Head Office with Lead Platinum certification. Guardian Life has achieved ‘Lead Platinum Certificate’ as the first private company in Bangladesh in the ‘Interior Design and Construction’ category.

Guardian Life has achieved Lead Platinum Certificate

Similarly, among all the insurance companies (life and non-life) in Bangladesh, Guardian Life became the first insurance company to achieve this valuable certificate.

On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, a certificate handing out ceremony was held at the Guardian Life Head Office.

A digital press meet was also organized around the event.

The certificate handing phase begins with a corporate AV showing the lead certification journey. Anant Ahmed, International Green Building Expert, Lead AP (5 categories), USGBC Faculty and Managing Director, 360 Total Solutions Limited formally handed over the certificate to MM Monirul Alam, Chief Executive Officer, Guardian Life. Dr. M. Mosharraf Hossain, Chairman (Acting), Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority was present as the chief guest and as the special guest Tapan Chowdhury, the sponsor and patron of Guardian Life, was present.

Syed Nasim Manzoor, sponsor and patron of Guardian Life, was also present on the occasion. Among the directors Syed Akhtar Hassan Uddin and David James Howard Griffiths were present.

M.M. Monirul Alam, Chief Executive Officer of Guardian Life moderated the event. Shamim Ahmed, Chief Operating Officer of Guardian Life described the Lead Platinum Certification journey. Other senior officers of the organization were also present on the occasion.

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