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JBCCI stresses Japan-Bangladesh partnership deal

JBCCI stresses Japan-Bangladesh partnership deal
Walton and Herlan Ads_2025

JBCCI stresses Japan-Bangladesh partnership deal

Yesterday, the President of the Japan-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JBCCI), Hikari Kawai, led a delegation to visit Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi at his secretariat office in Dhaka. The purpose of the visit was to extend their respects and to discuss ways to improve bilateral trade and investment.

As per a press release, the delegation and the minister had a brief discussion on the matter. Kawai provided a summary of the JBCCI and its role in promoting bilateral trade between Bangladesh and Japan. He also emphasized the need for an economic partnership agreement to be signed between the two countries.

The commerce minister expressed gratitude towards the delegation for their discussion on the possibility of signing an EPA and expressed a desire to collaborate for mutual benefits for both nations. The JBCCI had established a permanent committee to gather crucial information on the matter.

The delegation was comprised of M Jalalul Hai, the Vice-President, Md Anwar Shahid, the Secretary General, Tadaoki Watanabe, the Treasurer, Matiur Rahman and Md Shariful Alam, Advisers, Mohammed Sohel, Saori Fujimoto, Nayeemur Rahman, Directors, and Md Emran, the Executive Director.

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