On November 05, Dhaka University Marketing Alumni Association held the ‘MGI-Marketing Alumni Association Scholarship’ handover program at Department of Business Studies premise. The scholarship worth BDT 1 crore donated by MGI was disbursed to 52 students of Marketing Department based on their merit. Besides, the a special ‘Shommanona Grohontho’ was unveiled to celebrate life & the journey of 40 years in teaching of Dr. Mijanur Rahman.

Honorable Minister, Ministry of Education, Dr. Dipu Moni, MP was present at the scholarship handover program as chief guest. Honorable Vice Chancellor, University of Dhaka, Professor Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman, Honorable Vice Chancellor of National University, Professor Dr. Md. Mashiur Rahman, Respected Pro-Vice Chancellor (Academic), University of Dhaka, Professor Dr. A. S. M. Maksud Kamal, respected Dean, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdul Moyeen, respected Chairman, Marketing Department, University of Dhaka, Dr. A. B. M. Shahidul Islam, respected President, Dhaka University Marketing Alumni Association, Professor Dr. Mijanur Rahman, respected Director, Meghna Group of Industries (MGI), Tanjima Binthe Mostafa were present as special guests at the program.
‘MGI-Marketing Alumni Association Scholarship’ is a corporate social responsibility initiative in education sector from Meghna Group of Industries (MGI), one of the largest conglomerates of Bangladesh. MGI will uphold its different corporate social responsibilities including education in future.