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NCC Bank inks deal with Millennium Information

NCC Bank inks deal with Millennium Information
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NCC Bank inks deal with Millennium Information

NCC Bank has recently partnered up with Millennium Information Solution in order to provide and install “NCC Islamic Banking Solutions” software for their customers. The press release stated that Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid, managing director of NCC Bank, and Mahmud Hossain, managing director of Millennium Information Solution, were the ones who signed the agreement at the bank’s Dhaka head office.

Khondoker Nayeemul Kabir, additional managing director of the bank, Mohammad Rafat Ullah Khan, M Asheq Rahman, deputy managing directors, Mohammed Anisur Rahman, Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, Syed Tofail Ali, Md Monirul Alam, senior executive vice-presidents, and Mohammad Ridwanul Hoque, executive vice-president, were all present.

Abul Quasem Md Safiullah, head of Islamic banking, Syed Hasnain Mamun, head of human resources, Mohammad Monzur Morshed, head of project management office, Md Golam Sarowar Zahan, senior manager (business development), and Asadozzaman, project manager of Millennium Information Solution, were all present at the meeting.


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