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NRB Bank’s vice chairman was awarded the 3rd highest taxpayer in the country

NRB Bank’s vice chairman was awarded the 3rd highest taxpayer in the country
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NRB Bank’s vice chairman was awarded the 3rd highest taxpayer in the country

Congratulations to Mohammed Jamil Iqbal, vice chairman of NRB Bank Limited, for being named the third highest taxpayer in the country and the highest taxpayer in the Sylhet region in the firm category by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) for fiscal year 2021-2022.

Abu Hena Md Rahmatul Muneem, senior secretary at the Internal Resources Division and chairman of the National Board of Revenue, presented the award and tax card to him at a ceremony held at Officers’ Club Dhaka.

Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal was present as chief guest and Fatima Yasmin, senior secretary of the Ministry of Finance, was also present.

Iqbal achieved the award for eight consecutive years.

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