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Shwapno Innovative Effort to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Shwapno Innovative Effort to Reduce Plastic Pollution
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Shwapno Innovative Effort to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Shwapno has started a new and exciting project to tackle the growing problem of plastic pollution and protect the environment. This initiative is groundbreaking and shows their strong dedication to addressing this issue. Under this new program, customers will receive a refund of Tk 2 for each used plastic bag they return to Shwapno stores.

Shwapno Innovative Effort to Reduce Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution has emerged as a significant environmental concern globally, adversely impacting living organisms, including humans. Shwapno recognizes the urgent need to address this issue and has taken a proactive step towards reducing plastic waste by encouraging customers to recycle their used plastic bags.

This unique initiative aims to incentivize customers to actively participate in minimizing plastic pollution. By offering a refund of Tk 2 for each bag returned, Shwapno hopes to motivate individuals to adopt sustainable practices and become more conscious of their environmental footprint.

Read more: Swish Global at Kitchen & Bath Expo Bangladesh 2023

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