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SMC’s Caravan Embarks on a Joyous Journey to Mark 50 Years

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Social Marketing Company (SMC) is a respected and influential organization in the fields of health and family planning in Bangladesh.

For the five decades, SMC has been dedicated to building a healthier and happier nation through its diverse range of public health products and services. As the organization prepares to celebrate its 50th anniversary early next year, the excitement of this historic milestone has already begun.

To mark this significant milestone, the SMC 50th Anniversary Caravan has set off from the SMC office on December 30, 2024. The beautifully decorated caravan will travel to various locations in Dhaka, sharing the joy of this celebration with the public and business partners alike. This initiative symbolizes not only SMC’s success but also its heartfelt gratitude to the community for their unwavering support over the years.

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The caravan will offer an engaging experience, including screenings of some of SMC’s most iconic advertisements, a fun-filled puzzle challenge, and interactive opportunities for consumers to share their experiences about SMC’s products and services.

The caravan will tour different areas of Dhaka city until January 25, 2025. The inauguration ceremony of this festive journey was attended by Mr. Toslim Uddin Khan, MD & CEO of SMC and Mr. Sayef Nasir MD of SMC EL alongside senior officials from both organizations. During the ceremony, Mr. Khan highlighted SMC’s impactful journey in promoting the well-being of women, children, and families. Mr. Nasir expressed his unwavering commitment to sustaining and advancing this successful journey in the years to come.

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SMC has reached this remarkable milestone thanks to the love and support of millions of people. As the organization looks to the future, its well-wishers remain hopeful that SMC will continue to drive meaningful change with renewed energy and unwavering dedication to the health and welfare of the nation.

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