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Students step up as Traffic Controllers, earn praise from Shwapno

Students step up as Traffic Controllers, earn praise from Shwapno
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In recent days, the absence of traffic police on the streets has led students from various educational institutions to take matters into their own hands, managing traffic at major intersections.

Starting Wednesday, these students voluntarily assumed the responsibility of directing traffic at unmanned signals.

On Wednesday evening, employees from the retail chain superstore Shwapno recognized the students’ efforts by presenting them with roses and bottles of drinking water at several key locations, including Gulshan 1, Gulshan 2, and Hatirjheel.

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Sabbir Hasan Nasir, the Managing Director of Shwapno, praised the students, stating, “It is truly admirable that these young individuals have taken on the task of managing traffic in the absence of law enforcement. Our employees went out to greet these future leaders of our country with flowers and water. The youth are the true heroes.”

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