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TikTok names bKash ‘top performing brand’ in Bangladesh

TikTok names bKash 'top performing brand' in Bangladesh
Bengal Meat

Spotlight is on bKash in the the first-ever TikTok case study from Bangladesh.

TikTok looked at all the best- performing brands in Bangladesh on the platform and named bKash Limited as a top brand in the country for its stellar content strategy, highlighting bKash’s pioneering role in digital marketing.

bKash aimed to connect with Bangladesh’s youth by collaborating with creators, using humor, fostering community interaction, and utilizing spark and in-feed ads to increase visibility and engagement on TikTok.

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Different influencers were involved in the TikTok campaigns, sharing the convenience of bKash’s services through engaging content.

This created a huge buzz on TikTok and successfully engaged young people in Bangladesh. The results of bKash’s success on the platform speak for themselves.

Impressive milestones of bKash on TikTok:

  • 2,500% increase in follower growth
  • 8m engagements
  • bKash’s innovative approach has not only amplified its brand presence but also created a vibrant online community.

This recognition underscores the success of bKash’s efforts in leveraging youth-focused content to become a top TikTok brand in Bangladesh.

To watch the case study, click on the link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tiktok-for-business-csa_thrilled-to-share-how-bkash-limited-skyrocketed-activity-7201556179502714881-cIWD?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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