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Gree: From Local Startup to Global Air Conditioning Leader

Gree: From Local Startup to Global Air Conditioning Leader

Starting the journey from a small factory Gree has become the world’s largest air conditioning company over the past two decades. Throughout its growth, Gree has evolved its brand to stay current with market demands and social changes, keeping the brand fresh and dynamic. Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai, founded in 1991, is a global industrial group. It specializes in a wide range of products, including home and central air conditioners, smart equipment, home appliances, water heaters, smartphones, and refrigerators.

Gree’s annual production capacity for RAC (residential air conditioner) and CAC (commercial air conditioner) is more than 60 million sets and 5.5 million sets respectively. Gree is now manufacturing and delivering 127,000 models of RAC and 1,000 models of CAC (commercial air conditioner). Since 2005, Gree AC has been the world’s number-one brand of air conditioner for eighteen consecutive years. Gree holds more than 30% of the global market for home air conditioners.

Gree has been operating in Bangladesh since 1999. Electro Mart Group, one of the country’s leading manufacturers and marketers of electronics products, has been the dealer of Gree AC in the Bangladeshi market over the last 25 years. Over the last 15 years, Gree AC has occupied the number one position in the Bangladesh market, with a market share of about 25%. The current manufacturing capacity exceeds 3,00,000 units per year. Gree has held the number one position in Bangladesh for the last fifteen years and won the Superbrand Award 2023–24.

Brand strategy of Gree

At the beginning, GREE was a small factory with only window air conditioners’ production lines and the annual production volume was less than 20,000 sets. GREE captured market opportunities and started to build the brand image which had laid a good foundation for future development. Gree has conducted renew and upgrade on brand concept for five times:


Brand 1.0: “Trubo Cooling”

“Gree Creates Much Sales Chance” – When Gree stared they focused on constantly improving product quality and had the slogan “Gree Creates Much Sales Chance.” Gree quickly became a favorite among consumers and stood out in the local air conditioning market.


Brand 2.0: “Quality Takes Priority”

“Making Better Air Conditioners”– In the middle of 1990s at the preliminary stage of brand building, Gree was committed to building an image of high quality and reliability. under the slogan of “Making Better Air Conditioners” and “Gree for High Quality”, Gree gained the unanimous recognition of consumers, and successfully built a high-quality brand image of “Better Air Conditioners”.


Brand3.0: “Leading in Science and Technology”

“Gree, the Mastering of Core Technologies”– Under the slogan of “Gree, Master of Core Technologies”, Gree products took the leap in domestic home appliance industry and then Gree started to go the global.


Brand 4.0: “Undertake Responsibility”

“For the Clearer Sky and Greener Earth”– From the start, Gree has been committed to social responsibility. Their mission is to boost the national industrial image, protect the global environment, and create comfortable living spaces. Their brand slogan, “For a Clearer Sky and Green Earth,” impressed consumers worldwide.


Brand 5.0: “Serve the World”

“Made in China, loved by the World”– Gree has always aimed to redefine “Made in China,” improve its global image, and help Chinese brands succeed internationally. Finally, it achieves the target of going out and enable Gree technology and product to serve the world.

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