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Guardian Life is settling insurance claims online during the lockdown.

Guardian Life is settling insurance claims online during the lockdown.
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Guardian Life is settling insurance claims online during the lockdown.

Like other countries in the world, Bangladesh is plagued by the Corona virus epidemic. The government has declared a public holiday and ordered everyone to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus. Despite this, the private life insurance company Guardian Life Insurance ensures insurance customer service.

Guardian Life is settling insurance claims online during the lockdown.

Guardian Life has always been committed to a ‘Customer First’ policy. A continuation of this, the company accepts and pays insurance from home claims to meet the financial needs of customers even in this country’s situation.

According to the notification of Guardian Life, this activity is being conducted through Online Claim Submission (OCS) platform. Guardian Life customers can now submit claims (IPD, OPD, Death) from home using laptop, desktop or mobile. Claims submitted are being settled through online payment channel after evaluation by concerned department from Guardian Life’s system. This is the first such initiative in the country’s insurance sector. This was stated by the managing director and chief executive officer of the company M.M. Monirul Alam.

Corporate customers of Guardian Life can access this service by directly logging into the OCS platform. Apart from this, provision has been made to login to OCS platform from My Guardian Portal , MyGuardian App and even Guardian Life website. The rest of the customers will also come under this platform by next May. Apart from this, Guardian Life has been selling life insurance policies online for a long time through their EasyLife app and website, where a customer can purchase the policy in just 15 minutes.

Along with ensuring continuity of business operations following the policy of ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’, Guardian Life is taking various emergency measures to ensure the safety and welfare of its customers, members, employees and the society at large.

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